Bottom-up tactics: land occupation,temporality, organization and resistance

Contenido principal del artículo


This article develops ideas about temporary land occupation, as opposed to a permanent one. The State understands an occupation
in relation to the first, an intervention –forced– of the site for a determined time. Through the analysis of the occupations of La Victoria,
Peñalolén and Puerto Viejo, it is suggested that the status and action indefinition of the occupation itself sets off a permanent
occupation, recognized by the parties involved (the State and the society). The “illegal” land occupation and, by means of strategic
mechanisms of social organization, constructs a vulnerable and light scene that, occasionally in our history, has contributed to solving
housing problems for the neediest.

Detalles del artículo

Rodrigo Tisi
Tisi, R. (2013). Bottom-up tactics: land occupation,temporality, organization and resistance. Materia Arquitectura, (07), 105–109.


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