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dic 30, 2022
Palabras clave:
tabula rasa
regionalismo crítico
Artículos I Articles
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Este texto analiza el olvidado rol politico de la teori del regionalismo critico, explorando la idea de tabula rasa como metafora de negacion ideologica. El texto contextualiza el surgimiento de esta teori en el recorrido intelectual de su autor, Kenneth Frampton, y demuestra que la expresion tabula rasa condenso la negacion de la forma y de la historia en la imagen de la anulacion de la topografi. Esto, como simbolo de la neutralizacion ideologica de la arquitectura y operando como antitesis para la formulacion de una nueva teori.
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Serena Dambrosio
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AVERmAEtE, t., PAttEEUw, V., SzACkA, L.-C., & tEERdS, H. (2019).
Critical Regionalism Revisited. Oase (103), 1–6.
FoStER, H. (1983). The Anti-aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern
Culture. Bay Press.
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Images and Theory. Casabella, (359–360), 24–37. FRAmPton, k. (1983a). Prospects for a Critical Regionalism.
Perspecta, 20, 147–162.
FRAmPton, k. (1983b). Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance. In H. Foster (Ed.), The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture (pp. 13–30). Bay Press.
FRAmPton, k. (1984). Anti-tabula rasa: Verso un Regionalismo Critico. Casabella, (500), 22–25.
FRAmPton, k. (1985). Modern Architecture: A Critical History. Thames & Hudson.
FRAmPton, k. (1998). Industrialization and the Crisis in Architecture. In K. M. Hays (Ed.), Oppositions Reader: Selected Essays 1973-1984 (pp. 39–64). Princeton Architectural Press.
GREGottI, V. (1984). Esplorazioni orientate. Casabella, (500), 2–3.
HABERmAS, J. (1983). Modernity: An Incomplete Project. In H. Foster (Ed.), The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture (pp. 3–15). Bay Press.
PoPESCU, C. (2019). Flattening History: A Prequel to the Invention of Critical Regionalism. Oase (103), 49–53.
Revisiting CASE: The Conference of Architects for the
Study of the Environment, 1964-74. (n.d.). Archinect | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mIt). https:// the-conference-of-architects-for-the-study-of-the- environment-1964-74
RUdoFSky, B. (1964). Architecture Without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-Pedigreed Architecture. Museum of Modern Art.
SCott BRown, d. (1971). Learning from Pop. Casabella, (359–360), 14-24.
SzACkA, L.-C. (2017). Exhibiting the Postmodern. 1980 Venice Architecture Biennale. Marsilio.
SzACkA, L.-C., & PAttEEUw, V. (2019, November 22). Critical Regionalism for Our Time. Architectural Review. critical-regionalism-for-our-time
VEnICE BIEnnALE (Ed.). (1980). Architecture, 1980: The Presence of the Past. Rizzoli.
VEntURI, R. (1966). Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. Museum of Modern Art.
VEntURI, R., IzEnoUR, S., & BRown, d. S. (1972). Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form. mIt Press.
Chicago Press.
AVERmAEtE, t., PAttEEUw, V., SzACkA, L.-C., & tEERdS, H. (2019).
Critical Regionalism Revisited. Oase (103), 1–6.
FoStER, H. (1983). The Anti-aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern
Culture. Bay Press.
FRAmPton, k. (1971). America 1960-1970: Notes on Urban
Images and Theory. Casabella, (359–360), 24–37. FRAmPton, k. (1983a). Prospects for a Critical Regionalism.
Perspecta, 20, 147–162.
FRAmPton, k. (1983b). Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance. In H. Foster (Ed.), The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture (pp. 13–30). Bay Press.
FRAmPton, k. (1984). Anti-tabula rasa: Verso un Regionalismo Critico. Casabella, (500), 22–25.
FRAmPton, k. (1985). Modern Architecture: A Critical History. Thames & Hudson.
FRAmPton, k. (1998). Industrialization and the Crisis in Architecture. In K. M. Hays (Ed.), Oppositions Reader: Selected Essays 1973-1984 (pp. 39–64). Princeton Architectural Press.
GREGottI, V. (1984). Esplorazioni orientate. Casabella, (500), 2–3.
HABERmAS, J. (1983). Modernity: An Incomplete Project. In H. Foster (Ed.), The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture (pp. 3–15). Bay Press.
PoPESCU, C. (2019). Flattening History: A Prequel to the Invention of Critical Regionalism. Oase (103), 49–53.
Revisiting CASE: The Conference of Architects for the
Study of the Environment, 1964-74. (n.d.). Archinect | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mIt). https:// the-conference-of-architects-for-the-study-of-the- environment-1964-74
RUdoFSky, B. (1964). Architecture Without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-Pedigreed Architecture. Museum of Modern Art.
SCott BRown, d. (1971). Learning from Pop. Casabella, (359–360), 14-24.
SzACkA, L.-C. (2017). Exhibiting the Postmodern. 1980 Venice Architecture Biennale. Marsilio.
SzACkA, L.-C., & PAttEEUw, V. (2019, November 22). Critical Regionalism for Our Time. Architectural Review. critical-regionalism-for-our-time
VEnICE BIEnnALE (Ed.). (1980). Architecture, 1980: The Presence of the Past. Rizzoli.
VEntURI, R. (1966). Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. Museum of Modern Art.
VEntURI, R., IzEnoUR, S., & BRown, d. S. (1972). Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form. mIt Press.