Materia Arquitectura is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original research, which can be exploratory and speculative. It is also open to visual and imaginative proposals. Its aim is to contribute to the development and questioning of the discipline and architectural practice through new problems and ideas in relation to the cultural, social, economic and political contexts in which it operates. The topics covered by the journal include culture and the arts, architectural history and theory, landscape and urban planning, urban heritage, architectural technologies, urban design and architectural pedagogical practices.

Materia Arquitectura aims to review what architecture is, its disciplinary tradition and new visions of what it could be. To this end, each thematic issue, proposed by guest editors, is based on concrete objects that open up conceptual debates and promote dialogue between architecture and related disciplines.  Architects, artists, urban planners, filmmakers, animators and poets, historians of culture and architecture, geographers, anthropologists and other social scientists, thinkers and writers of all kinds are invited to participate in this publication and enrich the visions of architecture. 


Research articles

Open submissions (YES)

Indexed (YES)

Peer review (YES)


Open submissions (NO)

 Indexed (NO)

 Peer review (NO)


Open submissions (NO)

Indexed (NO)

 Peer review (NO)

Architectue and Critisism

Open submissions (YES)

 Indexed (YES)

 Peer review (YES)

Graphic Report

Open submissions (YES)

 Indexed (NO)

 Peer review (NO)



Articles submitted to Materia Arquitectura are first reviewed by the Editor and the Guest Editor, who determine their quality, originality and correspondence with the aims and scope of the journal. The pre-selected works are sent to a at least two external referees, experts in the specific subject of each manuscript, who evaluate them according to the requirements of the "double-blind" system. The articles are evaluated on the basis of their relevance, originality, clarity, appropriate coverage of the existing literature, presentation and quality of writing, and correspondence with the topic of each issue. 

Manuscripts may be accepted without objection (in the case of outstanding papers suitable for publication as submitted); accepted with minor changes (in the case of articles ready for publication after minor adjustments); returned for revision and correction (for manuscripts that would benefit from substantial changes, such as expanding the case analysis, expanding the literature review, or rewriting sections of the text); or rejected (if the manuscript is not suitable for publication in Materia Architecture or the revisions to be made by the author are too fundamental for the manuscript to be considered as unchanged).

When appropriate, authors will receive a reasoned evaluation, which will include comments to improve their work.

In accordance with Materia Arquitectura's ethical statement, authors may challenge the decisions of the reviewers. The referees, in turn, undertake to be impartial, objective, constructive and respectful, issuing a resolution within a reasonable period of time.

Materia Arquitectura has mechanisms for readers to clearly identify the sections subject to peer review.



Materia Arquitectura, published by the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad San Sebastián, is a bi-annual, international, peer-reviewed, open access academic journal. The University supports, finances and enables the publication of the journal by establishing a relationship with the team in charge of the project, based on the principle of editorial independence. The editorial process is supervised by the Editorial Board, which seeks to constantly improve it in order to meet the needs of readers and authors.

Materia Arquitectura follows the standards set by COPE in the Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and adopts some of the recommendations made by COPE in the Best Practice Guidelines. The journal is committed to freedom of expression, ethics and academic integrity. The selection of articles is based on relevance, originality, clarity, appropriate coverage of the existing literature, presentation and quality of writing, correspondence with the theme of each issue, and adherence to the journal's purpose.

On agreeing to be a reviewer for Materia Arquitectura, each reviewer signs a document detailing what is expected of them. In this document, referees commit to being impartial, objective, constructive and respectful. They also undertake not to misuse the unpublished material they review, to declare any conflict of interest and to be vigilant against possible malpractice. For their part, the members of the editorial team of the journal undertake to activate the necessary mechanisms to ensure that the review process is effectively double-blind.

On submission, authors are required to sign a declaration of authorship, good practice and exclusive licensing, stating that their manuscripts are original and unpublished; that all authors listed as such have contributed significantly to the research and writing of the manuscript; that they have not engaged in misconduct such as fragmentary work, plagiarism or fraud; that they have not infringed copyright; and that there are no conflicts of interest in their research. Authors will receive an informed assessment within a reasonable time and will have a form to appeal against the referees' decisions.

The Editorial Board of Materia Arquitectura is made up of academics, researchers and leading professionals in their field, who meet twice a year to help the journal fulfil its purpose. They are all provided with a guide to the functions they are expected to perform, which range from approving the annual publication plan to attracting authors and actively encouraging submissions.

Materia Arquitectura's editorial team is available to issue corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary. Guidelines for retractions, expressions of concern, corrections and redundant publication are available on the journal's website and are freely accessible.

Materia Arquitectura has mechanisms in place to inform readers of potential conflicts of interest arising from research funding and systems in place for readers to clearly distinguish those sections that are not subject to peer review.

Materia Arquitectura does not charge authors any fees (manuscript editing, translation and image processing are funded by the journal). While the intellectual property of published material remains with the authors, by publishing a work they grant Materia Arquitectura the exclusive licence to publish and disseminate it, both in print and online. Materia Arquitectura reserves the right to modify the formal aspects of the articles in order to adapt them to its style guide.

For more information on COPE:

For a discussion of the main forms of scientific misconduct and how to avoid them, see:



Materia Arquitectura is a biannual journal, published in August and December each year.



Materia Arquitectura provides immediate and free access to all the content of this online edition, published simultaneously with the print edition.

Materia Arquitectura does not charge authors for any concept.

All contents of this electronic edition are distributed under the Creative Commons license of "Attribución-shareAlike 4.0 Internacional" (CC-BY-SA).

The rights of the published texts and images belong to their authors, who grant Materia Arquitectura the license for their use. The management of the permits and the authorization of the publication of the images (or of any material) that contains copyright and its consequent rights of reproduction in this publication is the sole responsibility of the authors of the articles.

As long as they mention their origin, the authors are free to distribute their articles by other means. Any total or partial reproduction of the material must mention its origin.



The online version of Materia Arquitectura is hosted on the servers of the Universidad San Sebastián, which guarantees its long-term accessibility.




Sales and subscriptions contact

Editorial USS:

Editorial DOS TERCIOS:  /

Editorial ARQ:

San Sebastián University Sales Offices

To purchase individual issues or to subscribe to the print version of this magazine, please write to:

 SANTIAGO: Lota 2465, Providencia.

CONCEPCIÓN: Lientur 1457, Las Tres Pascualas Campus

PUERTO MONTT: Lago Panguipulli 1390, Pichi Pelluco Campus



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Materia Arquitectura is represented in the following indexing services and collections:

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)


Avery Index to Architectural Journals

Latindex directory of scientific journals

Latindex catalogue of scientific journals

Asociación de Revistas Latinoamericanas de Arquitectura (ARLA)



The authors of the articles are responsible for the texts and images in the signed articles. Universidad San Sebastián is not responsible for the credibility and authenticity of the articles.