Entropy and structure: Re-thinking the Plaza de Armas building as Modernist heritage
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Oct 2, 2017
Plaza de Armas building
Modernist Movement
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Buildings, as all things, age. They are not static entities, but change, get wrinkled, get stained. In that sense, their behavior resembles that of living organisms but, generally, these changes are seen as a decline, as processes that ought to be avoided. What would happen if we began to think about buildings as dynamic systems affected by entropy, in such way that the passing of years actually adds value to them The paper illustrates the case of the Plaza de Armas building, built in 1954 in the foundational center of Santiago de Chile, a building that turns paradigmatic in two ways: as an example of the introduction of the modernist ideals in the country and as an often cited example of “bad aging”. It is then proposed to imagine a possible refurbishment, reformulating traditional ideas of heritage preservation. This new approach will allow to re-insert this structure into the ever-changing fabric of urban centers, so that the building can evolve into useful heritage for the city in which it is located.
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Armando Caroca Fernández
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PÉREZ, F. (s. f.). Entrevista a Emilio Duhart. Archivo SLGM, Biblioteca FADEU, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
BOZA, C. (1990). Sergio Larraín G. M.: La vanguardia como propósito. Bogotá: Escala.
BOZA, C. (1996). 100 años de arquitectura chilena: 1890-1990. Santiago: Hunter Douglas.
CALDUCH, J. (2009). El declive de la arquitectura moderna: deterioro, obsolescencia, ruina. Palapa, IV(II), 29-43.
CÉSARMAN, E. (1997). Termodinámica de la vida. México D. F.: Gernika.
DRUOT, F., LACATON, A., & VASSAL, J.-P. (2007). Plus: la vivienda colectiva: territorio de excepción. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.
ELIASH, H. (1982). La arquitectura moderna 1920-1970. Santiago: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
FUENTES, G. (1997). Entrevista a Sergio Larraín. Archivo SLGM, Biblioteca FADEU, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
HERNÁNDEZ, A. (2008). La arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno: entre la desaparición y la reconstrucción. Un impacto cultural de larga proyección. Apuntes, 21(2), 156-179.
MARTÍNEZ, A. (2011). Las huellas del tiempo en la arquitectura moderna intervenida. Criterios de intervención en el patrimonio arquitectónico del siglo XX. Conferencia Internacional CAH20thC. Documento de Madrid 2011. Madrid, 14-16 de junio de 2011. Recuperado el 3 de agosto de 2014, de Universidad de Alicante: http://degraf.ua.es/es/documentos/publicaciones/andres-martinezmedina/2011/039/039.pdf
MOSTAFAVI, M., & LEATHERBARROW, D. (1993). On Weathering: the life of buildings in time. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
PÉREZ, F. (s. f.). Entrevista a Emilio Duhart. Archivo SLGM, Biblioteca FADEU, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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