Remnants of the city

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Contrary to what has historically happened with earthquakes that have repeatedly destroyed several cities in Chile, the 2010 earthquake was followed by an unprecedented and fruitful reflection that, from various disciplines, has tried to understand the phenomenon in a new socio-cultural context. Within the framework of this trend, this article explores various uses and representations associated to debris produced by destruction, questioning the traditional approach that conceives them only as useless material whose removal becomes urgent in order to reach the much desired normality. Along these lines, attempts shall be reviewed that try to start a discussion about debris, suggesting new connotations such as possibilities of recycling; evocative force and, therefore, significance as objects of memory and commemoration; or other ways of looking at it linked mainly to art which emphasize the creative and experimental possibilities of what has been destroyed.


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Alejandro Crispiani
Tomás Errázuriz Infante
Crispiani, A., & Errázuriz Infante, T. (2017). Remnants of the city. Materia Arquitectura, (11), 102–105.


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