Space, Time and Superstudio: Multi-media and narrative in experimental architecture and design

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“Twelve Cautionary Tales for Christmas: Premonitions of the Mystical Rebirth of Urbanism”, Superstudio’s collection of some of the most chilling apocalyptic worlds to have been envisioned by architects in the post-war period, first appeared in the December 1971 issue of the London based AD magazine. The “12 Ideal Cities” were published in narrative form with illustrations, and resembled neither an architectural treatise nor a political or avant-garde manifesto. Superstudio presented “12 Ideal Cities” at the Mana gallery in Rome on November of 1971 as a radio broadcast with actors reading from the 12 Cities text, during a dual channel projection. The following essay examines this multi-media event, and considers how Superstudio transcended standard architectural conventions on representation.

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Peter Lang
Lang, P. (2014). Space, Time and Superstudio: Multi-media and narrative in experimental architecture and design. Materia Arquitectura, (10), 90–93.


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