Maps as Abstraction and Imaginative Space Representing Informal Urbanism

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Quotidian mobility and urban connectivity become explicit in diagrams of circulation patterns, narrative tracing of trajectories, or
choreographic notation of kinetic routines. However, they are also powerfully implicit in architectural floor plans, which, extended to
urban scale in the Rossi Plan of Zürich, conjure imaginative space for suppositional wanderings through the city. An ongoing research
project by the author brings such imaginative capacities to bear on diagrammatic exploration of the communities of Divale Gaon
(India), Ban Krua (Thailand) and Jabal Al Natheef (Jordan), which inhabit matrixes of densely spaced houses sustaining both dynamic
and plastic patterns of connectivity, and thus challenge the European syntax of public streets and civic squares.

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Christoph Lueder
Lueder, C. (2014). Maps as Abstraction and Imaginative Space Representing Informal Urbanism. Materia Arquitectura, (10), 94–98.


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