Eppur si muove

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What is the form of movement This essay examines how architecture has consistently rejected movement, while at the same time
claiming that it is at the centre of its preoccupations. The essay focuses on Bolles + Wilson’s New Luxor Theatre to investigate how
this building, and more specifically, its ramp for trucks, propose a new way of understanding the relationship between movement
and buildings. To put forward its argument, the essay draws both from architectural history (the uses of terms such as "circulation"
or the recourse to mechanistic metaphors, such as the liner) and an analysis of the architectural element itself (how this ramp differs
from others). Overall, the essay investigates how architecture, by definition a static pile of material, deals with the most unstable and
unpredictable element of all, the mobile.

Article Details

Gabriela García de Cortázar
García de Cortázar, G. (2014). Eppur si muove. Materia Arquitectura, (09), 94–97. https://doi.org/10.56255/ma.v0i09.182


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