A moral issue

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The Torre Velasca (1958), a high-rise building located in Milan and developed by the Italian architectural firm BBPR, was presented
by Ernesto Rogers, one of the firm partners, at CIAM 59’ celebrated at the Kröller-Muller Museum in Otterlo, The Netherlands.
The building became the centre of an international debate between Rogers and the English architect Peter Smithson, a discussion
concerning the continuation of the project of modernity in architecture. The article, through a precise recreation of the discussion,
demonstrates even though the architects preoccupations differ, they find a common ground in the question of architectural form.

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Daniel Concha
Concha, D. (2017). A moral issue. Materia Arquitectura, (09), 98–100. https://doi.org/10.56255/ma.v0i09.183


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