Profiting from Design: Brooklyn’s Center for Urban Pedagogy

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The article analyzes the Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP), a nonprofit organization in Brooklyn, New York, that uses the power of design and art to improve the quality of civic involvement. The purpose of the analysis is to find out what could architects learn from CUP’s working model. After considering concepts such as “profit” and “success”, the author reviews the motivations that inspire each of the organization’s projects, as well as their process. Finally, it points out that CUP’s experience serves like a bridge for architecture to progress more concerned about the contents than about the profit.


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Jacob Moore
Moore, J. (2012). Profiting from Design: Brooklyn’s Center for Urban Pedagogy. Materia Arquitectura, (06), 82–84.


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CUP, Centro de Pedagogía Urbana. “The Envisioning Develompent Toolkit” (“Herramientas para Visualizar el Desarrollo”). CUP, acceso 25.09.2012.

IRS, Servicio de Impuestos Internos de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. “Exemption Requirements - Section 501(c)(3) Organizations” (“Requisitos para la
Exención de Impuestos – Sección 501(c)(3) Organizaciones”). IRS, acceso 25.09.2012.

PORTAL, Fernando. Entrevista a Sam Hollerman, Coordinador de Comunicaciones de CUP, realizada el 27.08.2012 (sin publicar).