Paper Frames. A.C. Avant-garde Paradigm

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Editorial organs linked to the field of architecture have allowed the fostering of relationships, interactions and the exchange of ideas over time. The case of A.C., the Spanish architectural journal of the 30s, is a particular editorial evidence within the modern movement. The journal was born as a body of expression of an alternative attitude, independent from the established academic world. The analysis of its context and raison d’être, the themes dealt with, its condition as a 'setting', its evolution, the alliances it involved, its definition as 'weapon' or its consideration as space for discovering the new, but also as a 'journey' to the past, supposes recognizing the rich and transversal character of this and other journals.

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Acilu, A. (2017). Paper Frames. A.C. Avant-garde Paradigm. Materia Arquitectura, (16), 106–110.


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