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There is always ambiguity with the subject of night. Although the night city is officially presented as a spectacular lighting installation, it also offers
the opportunity to explore territories of liberation, strangeness and conflict. Night time reveals a universe of emotions, transgressions and wanderings that cuts across eras and continents: these are the hours when people sometimes want to behave differently.

As a relatively recent possibility in human history, ‘night life’ is linked to the electric lighting systems implemented in public spaces since the end of the 19th century. The electrification of the modern city achieved the double objective of ensuring accessibility (reducing dangers) and extending productionand consumption time, but it also created a new perception parallel to the cinematographic experience, establishing a spatiality that was both exciting and confusing for its inhabitants.

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CARALT, D. (2023). NOCTURNO URBANO. Materia Arquitectura, (24), 6–7.


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