The role of the Invisible: Towards a synthesis between modern science and traditional knowledge in relation with trees and wood

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The analysis and experimentation of the knowledge generation process reveals that the invisible is a constitutive part of our reality. This fact helps to relativize our current unilateral materialistic modern worldview and offers a bridge towards a better understanding of traditional holistic cosmovisions and practical knowledge based on them. Examples are given for different domains related to trees and wood: nature-related spirituality, anatomy, structural principles, chronobiology, moon rhythms and wood properties, subtle messages and soil fertility. Such an approach has the power of producing new synergies between tradition and modernity and brings solutions to regenerate the world in a time of global transformation.

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Ernst Zürcher
Zürcher E. (2017). The role of the Invisible: Towards a synthesis between modern science and traditional knowledge in relation with trees and wood. Materia Arquitectura, (15), 110–113.


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