Tall wood, strategies on sustainability for the cities of the future

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The growth of cities and population is leading to an increase in housing demands around the world. The challenge lies in how to satisfy that demand by minimizing the environmental impact. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions needed to minimize climate change cannot be performed by the simple repetition of old solutions. This challenge means that new solutions have to be implemented. Wood is the only construction material that is grown by the sun and has the capacity to store carbon. Sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is an attribute that may prove relevant in the future of architecture. Wood derived products are increasingly technological, and while regulations slowly adapt to the new situation, architects are becoming more interested in designing wood buildings. In Michael Green Architecture we have been leaders of the revolution that involves building with wood. We have demonstrated that it is technically possible to build a 35 storey wood high-rise. The positive effect of the change in paradigm in new architecture can reach beyond the environmental benefits.

Article Details

Michael Green
Green, M. (2017). Tall wood, strategies on sustainability for the cities of the future. Materia Arquitectura, (15), 127–129. https://doi.org/10.56255/ma.v0i15.115


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