Architecture, playing and vanishing
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Dec 10, 2013
poetic acts
Escuela de Valparaíso
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In this essay I will focus on an exceptional group of architects and poets who have explored vanishing as a form of action, by means
of grandiloquent geo-poetic expeditions through more or less vast American territories, for over sixty years. I will try to imagine the
formulation of an aesthetics of invisibility in which active vanishing operates like an emancipatory practice as a ludic proposal that
challenges real sociopolitical and economic hierarchies and promotes new horizons for collective living. Even though when referring
to the Escuela de Valparaíso, it might be more appropriate to think in terms not of aesthetics, but of poetics – in the sense of
poiesis – whose radicality is in its concept of an architecture of living together, based on opening, risking and daring to expose one another, sometimes even to the extreme of vanishing.
of grandiloquent geo-poetic expeditions through more or less vast American territories, for over sixty years. I will try to imagine the
formulation of an aesthetics of invisibility in which active vanishing operates like an emancipatory practice as a ludic proposal that
challenges real sociopolitical and economic hierarchies and promotes new horizons for collective living. Even though when referring
to the Escuela de Valparaíso, it might be more appropriate to think in terms not of aesthetics, but of poetics – in the sense of
poiesis – whose radicality is in its concept of an architecture of living together, based on opening, risking and daring to expose one another, sometimes even to the extreme of vanishing.
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María Berríos
Goldsmiths College
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ANÓNIMO (domingo 25 de mayo de 1969). Protesta de arquitectura. El Mercurio de Valparaíso, pág. 1, segundo cuerpo.
AUTORES VARIOS. (1967). Amereida. Valparaíso: Editorial Cooperativa Lambda.
CRUZ, A. (2010). Improvisación del señor Alberto Cruz (1959). En L. LAGNADO & M. BERRÍOS (Curadoras), Desvíos de la deriva. Experiencias, travesías y morfologías (Catálogo de exposición) (págs. 158-166). Madrid: Museo Centro Cultural Reina Sofía.
E[AD], PUCV (domingo 16 de junio de 1968). Manifiesto 15 de junio. El Mercurio de Valparaíso, págs. 52-53.
IOMMI, G. (1963). Carta del errante. Ailleurs (1, verano), 14-24.
IOMMI, G. (s/f.). Entrevista a Godofredo Iommi (Teleduc, Entrevistador). Material en VHS disponible en Biblioteca de la Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño, PUCV, Valparaíso.
PHELAN, P. (1997). Unmarked. Londres: Routledge.
AUTORES VARIOS. (1967). Amereida. Valparaíso: Editorial Cooperativa Lambda.
CRUZ, A. (2010). Improvisación del señor Alberto Cruz (1959). En L. LAGNADO & M. BERRÍOS (Curadoras), Desvíos de la deriva. Experiencias, travesías y morfologías (Catálogo de exposición) (págs. 158-166). Madrid: Museo Centro Cultural Reina Sofía.
E[AD], PUCV (domingo 16 de junio de 1968). Manifiesto 15 de junio. El Mercurio de Valparaíso, págs. 52-53.
IOMMI, G. (1963). Carta del errante. Ailleurs (1, verano), 14-24.
IOMMI, G. (s/f.). Entrevista a Godofredo Iommi (Teleduc, Entrevistador). Material en VHS disponible en Biblioteca de la Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño, PUCV, Valparaíso.
PHELAN, P. (1997). Unmarked. Londres: Routledge.
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