Shrink©: Deprogram/Despecialize

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At Encoger© movement, we aim at building a new architectural theory associated with ideas of economic degrowth. Based on verbs that work as theoretical vectors – densify, de-normalize, unfinish, seclude, implode, de-flesh, deflate, among others – we seek to define a discipline opposed to that of the Modernist movement. 'Despecialize', which we shall rename here as 'deprogram', is one of the terms used. With it, we aim at disassembling the indissoluble relation between spaces and uses, which forced to dismantle an architecture when the program changed. But, also, the article delves into another line, proposing the existence of previous functional structures that presuppose a functional organization of the project before the first formal decisions.

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Federico Soliano
Dolores Palacios
Soliano, F., & Palacios, D. (2021). Shrink©: Deprogram/Despecialize. Materia Arquitectura, (18), 102–106.


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