The impossible city: short reflections on urbanism, architecture, and violence

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This contribution aims to offer some reflections around the notion of contested urbanism that characterize the contemporary process of making and inhabiting cities, discussing the intricate relation between architecture and violence at different scales. Grounding in previous international research and in the work of scholars like Walter Benjamin, Henri Lefebvre, and Eyal Weizman, the text wish to reposition contestation at the centre of an architectural and urban research, addressing the intersection of spatial and temporal aspects of conflicts in the production of the city, where intellectual and spatial categories are able to construct new epistemologies, cities and space in a paradoxical tension.


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Camillo Boano
Boano, C. (2015). The impossible city: short reflections on urbanism, architecture, and violence. Materia Arquitectura, (12), 94–97.


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