The Dossier proposes a reflection on image and matter in architecture. On the one hand, some authors analyze the image as an instrument that feeds the design process. Luis Etchegorry addresses the issues based on the work of UNStudio. Peruvian architect Jean Pierre Crousse touches on the problem based on his own professional experience in the Peruvian desert. For his part, Claudio Magrini reflects on the analysis of certain works by masters such as Peter Zumthor, combining these reflections with the design process of his own works. Hugo Mondragón reviews historical antecedents that mark the relationship between architecture and image in order to establish the origin of distrust towards the latter. Alberto Ferlenga, for his part, invites us to promote an architecture that proposes values and not just images. And this issue's interviewee, Brazilian architect Angelo Bucci, enlightens us on the role of an image in a publication: to enrich the propositional process with new possibilities of configuration and significance.
Guest Editor Umberto Bonomo
Published: 2017-11-07