Architectural representation and project critique. New fields of meaning
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Dec 10, 2014
architectural theory
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The paper introduces a discussion framework about the representation concept in architecture. This approach proposes that the
validity of the representation strategies is based on its capacity to link the discursive field (theory) with the operating field (project).
Based on this condition, it is possible to propose that the emergence of the representation in architecture is linked to the project
concept that defines architecture in the context of modernity. However, in the second half of the twentieth century, new variables
are incorporated to the traditional concept of project. Considering this evolution, it is possible to identify the critical potential of
architectural representation that allows the opening of the concept of the project, extending the disciplinary boundaries of architecture.
validity of the representation strategies is based on its capacity to link the discursive field (theory) with the operating field (project).
Based on this condition, it is possible to propose that the emergence of the representation in architecture is linked to the project
concept that defines architecture in the context of modernity. However, in the second half of the twentieth century, new variables
are incorporated to the traditional concept of project. Considering this evolution, it is possible to identify the critical potential of
architectural representation that allows the opening of the concept of the project, extending the disciplinary boundaries of architecture.
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Felipe Corvalán
Universidad de Chile, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
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CASSIRER, E. (1968). Antropología filosófica: introducción a una filosofía de la cultura. (E. Imaz, Trad.) México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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HABERMAS, J. (1989). El discurso filosófico de la modernidad (doce lecciones). Buenos Aires: Taurus.
HEIDEGGER, M. (1998). La época de la imagen del mundo. En M. Heidegger, Caminos de bosque (H. Cortés, & A. Leyte, Trads.). Madrid: Alianza.
JAMESON, F. (1998). Teoría de la Posmodernidad. (C. Montolío Nicholson, & R. del Castillo, Trads.) Madrid: Trotta.
KAIJIMA, M., KURODA, J., & TSUKAMOTO, Y. (2010). Made in Tokyo. En E. Walker (Ed.), Lo ordinario. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.
TSCHUMI, B. (1999). Temas extraídos de los Manhattan Transcripts. En P. Hereu, J. M. Montaner, & J. Oliveras, Textos de arquitectura de la modernidad. Madrid: Nerea.
VESELY, D. (2004). Architecture in the age of divided representation. The question of creativity in the shadow of production. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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