CHANDIGARH: Le Corbusier and the new city in the Chilean culture, 1951-1957

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The article presents the way in which two Chilean cultural publications interpreted the building and design of Chandigarh. Through
the building of the Indian city, the weekly publication Pro-Arte and the periodical Pomaire showed, in the 1950s, a different Le
Corbusier from the one traditionally presented in the cultural architectural world. Away from abstraction and very related to practice,
the urban theories of the Swiss maestro linked with the cultural tradition of India. In architecture, on the other hand, his approaches to climate and lifestyles were confirmed.

Article Details

Horacio Torrent
Torrent, H. (2013). CHANDIGARH: Le Corbusier and the new city in the Chilean culture, 1951-1957. Materia Arquitectura, (07), 116–120.


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