This issue of Materia Arquitectura revolves around one of the fundamental issues of architecture: theory, and its guest editor, Gabriela García de Cortázar, proposes to reflect on the place of theory, arguing that architectural journals are the space where it is put to the test. This issue's interviewee, Emilio Tuñón, reviews the history of CIRCO, an editorial initiative that seeks to enrich theoretical discourse, teaching, and professional practice by establishing contact with a complex and open reality. The articles in the dossier, some of them written by editors of the journal, analyze the role of theory in different publications. Aitor Acilu examines a Spanish publication from the 1930s, A.C., and considers its role as a framework for the theoretical debate generated by the modernist movement. Véronique Patteeuw, editor of OASE, emphasizes that theoretical publications not only provide spaces for testing new ideas and questioning reality, but can also shape debates, movements, and projects. Thomas Weaver, editor of AA Files, challenges the contemporary notion of theory, claiming that architecture becomes subservient when it is read only theoretically, and arguing that architecture does not need to be enriched with philosophy, as it already contains multiple integrated ideas. In turn, Pier Paolo Tamburelli, editor of San Rocco, offers his magazine's perspective on architectural practice and the role of writing within the discipline, emphasizing that the only reason to cultivate theory is that it helps solve practical problems. Cynthia Davidson, editor of Log, reviews movements in architectural theory over the past twenty years to speculate on the current state of architectural theory and its relationship to practice. Finally, in her article on one of the local editions of the iconic Italian magazine Domus, Jimena Hogrebe wonders where theory was in Domus Mexico, a short-lived publication that developed a particular theory "on the fly.

Guest Editor Gabriela García de Cortázar

Published: 2017-12-28

El lugar de la teoría

Gabriela García de Cortázar


The Place of Theory

Gabriela García de Cortázar
