With this issue, Materia Arquitectura introduces a new mixed editorial model. From now on, in addition to the permanent editor, our magazine will also have a guest editor, chosen according to the specific theme of the dossier. This mixed model allows us to offer the minimum of continuity necessary for any publication; on the other hand, the model facilitates the renewal of the content and allows for an unbiased and up-to-date look at certain phenomena related to local and global contingencies. In this way, we avoid many of the shortcomings that we see in journals that opt for the traditional model (repetition of references, authors and themes, and difficulty in renewing discourses).
In addition, this scheme allows us to involve prominent international editors, which guarantees the publication of texts by relevant authors in a global context and an intense dialogue with different trends, phenomena or emerging global discourses. In the long run, we hope that this will allow the local media to interact with such trends before they take on a fixed form (that is, before there is no other option but to be a passive spectator or, at most, a reproducer).
Guest editor Fabrizio Gallanti
Published: 2010-03-23