This issue of Materia Arquitectura revolves around the concept of "representation". Guest editor Nicolás Stutzin opens the issue with an interview with Farshid Moussavi, in which various aspects of the central theme are analyzed, as well as the role played by drawings, symbols and, above all, affects in contemporary architecture. The six articles that make up the dossier represent a broad intersection between the problems of representation. Felipe Corvalán reflects on the drawing and the diagram, and on the unequal capacity of systems of representation to blur the boundaries between theory and practice. Peter Lang, for his part, in his article on the "12 Ideal Cities" of Superstudio, shows us that architectural representation was capable of filling a space of speculation and play that today seems to have been forgotten. Beyond architectural design, Christoph Lueder explores the possibility of representing the unrepresentable in a series of cartographic studies of cities defined by informal urbanisms. In turn, Cristina Goberna and Urtzi Grau examine how questioning models of political representation offers new challenges to the discipline. Likewise, Andrés Jaque uses the example of Milan to show how the media and its images can be much more effective in generating collective identity than architecture itself. Finally, Costandis Kizis questions the Hellenic state's tireless quest to define a form of architectural representation of "the Greek" through its exhibition pavilions in the 20th century.

Guest Editor Nicolas Stutzin

Published: 2014-12-10