This issue of Materia Arquitectura revolves around the notion of "project". Daniel Opazo, its guest editor, opens the issue with an interview with Kas Oosterhuis on the impact of digital tools on the reconfigurations of the project and the challenges of architecture in the near future. In the dossier, Alejandra Celedón reflects on the role of the floor plan as an instrument with "rhetorical and political" potential, both to try to control the scale of the city and to rehearse a modern moral proposal on inhabiting; María Berríos contributes an unexpected point of view to the reconstruction of the journeys of the School of Architecture of Valparaíso; José Solís warns about the pyrrhic triumph of postmodern criticism through the self-deception of the conceptual emptying of the project in favor of design and image; Nika Grabar explores the border region between architecture and art to rescue a historical and national project in a context of identities in (re) definition; Joan Ockman analyzes the ideology of the architectural project, the idea of oblivion and the attempt of architecture to free itself from the ballast that prevents it from moving towards the future; Kenneth Frampton, in dialogue with Daniel Talesnik, discusses the work of the historian and his project of reconstruction of realities.

Guest Editor Daniel Opazo

Published: 2013-12-10